How to be the Main Character of Your Life

You may or may not have heard about being the “main character” of your life. This means living your life for you. Romanticizing the little details of your day-to-day and acting like the person you want to be is what being the main character is all about. Below are some ideas for how you can become the main character of your own life – and experience more fulfillment and happiness as a result.

Take yourself on solo dates

A solo date is exactly what it sounds like – taking yourself to do something without anyone else there, because it’s what you want to do. This can be different things, like going to get a smoothie bowl, going shopping in town, going to the book store, or going to cafe by yourself. It could be a massage, a walk in the park, or going to the movies. The point is that we do not need other people with us to do any of these activities. Spend some time with yourself and your thoughts.

Spend some time thinking about what you want

I often turn to journaling as it helps me create clarity. I don’t always journal about my deepest thoughts and interospections, but instead I daydream. I think about how I want to spend my free time on the weekends, even if it won’t come true. Having the time to think about this can help you think about ways to incorporate it. For me, an ideal weekend would include sleeping 10 hours, taking my time with some coffee and pinterest in the morning, going on a solo-date to my favorite coffee shop for some writing and reading, and baking lots of healthy treats. What would your ideal weekend be and how can you sprinkle some of those activities into your weekend (or weekdays)?

Create goals and manifest

Beyond just the weekend, think about the goals you have for yourself. Career, financial, family, character traits, spirituality, health/wellness, relationships… there are so many categories. Consider what is holding you back from those goals (if anything) and whether these things are truly holding you back, or if you are holding yourself back out of fear of failure or self-doubt. Reframe your mindset – who said you couldn’t do this? Why couldn’t this be you? Aren’t you already this person?

Think about the characteristics your ideal self embeds – write affirmations (and recite them to yourself daily) that incorporate these qualities. Think about yourself as if you already live the life you want – for me, I live in a house on Cape Cod. I have a successful health and wellness business. I am a mother and I have plenty of time for my kids. I travel often. I live a slow and peaceful life full of fulfillment. How can you act as if you live this life already?

Believe in yourself and build confidence

Think about your favorite main characters – most of them have great achievements, have overcame something, or have admirable qualities that you wish your could embed. To build yourself up, make a list of the accomplishments you have made, the hardships you have survived, and what qualities you love about yourself. Also, doing things alone, like going on solo dates, and being more clear on what you want in life can help to build confidence.

Go on a hot girl walk

While you’re at it, put on a cute workout outfit and go on a hot girl walk by yourself. Think about the things mentioned above, think about your goals, and how capable you are of achieving them.

Blast music and dance in your kitchen

This can cure any bad day and make you feel feminine and fun. Put on a favorite song (or two or ten) and dance like no one is watching. Pretend you are Taylor Swift, I do it all the time.

Remember who you are everyday

Sometimes I have my solo-date main character days and then I go back to living my life for everyone else. A true main character acts like it everyday. Not just on the weekends. Remind yourself of who you are, what you are working on, and how you can incorporate time for yourself and self-love into your daily life. Having these main character moments is so important for knowing who you are at your core and making yourself feel important. When you do this, you will continue to spread positivity throughout your life bringing you closer to your dreams.